Single Class- $12
Monthly Unlimited Pass - $124
10 Session Punch Card-$108
Military-,Fire-,EMS, and Law Enforcement
single class- $11
Monthly Unlimited Pass-$113
10 session punch card-$100
Contact us for other locations and prices
Breathwork Rates:
Group Guided(weather permitting) $15 single class
10 Session Punch Card $135
Individual Rates $40
10 Session Punchcard $360
Special Monthly Candlelight Breathwork
Price TBD
Breathing techniques are tools for major transformation and healing. We each have the power to manipulate our breath for a desired outcome, whether we are trying to sleep, control a panic attack or simply feel a bit calmer.
Breathwork has benefits for everyone including-
– Reduce stress and anxiety
– Increase energy levels
– Eliminate toxins
– Improve sleep
– Improve creativity
– Induce flow states
– Let go of past traumas
– Increase athletic performance and cardiovascular health
Fitness Preparation for Military
Conventional Military Prep Program: Basic Training, Boot Camp, Etc.
Advanced Military Prep Program: SOF, Ranger School, Etc.
Thank you for your business. Keep on adventuring and doing cool things.